Ann Charlott combines her interest in ecological and sustainable approach towards design and art and use it in daily. Curiosity, research, open source mentality, social innovation and slow design approach identifies the projects where Ann Charlott has been involved.
When she works with fine arts and arts and craft, Ann Charlott uses her intuition and a passion for colors, textiles, textile materials to build sculptures, collages, paintings and the energy to check out for new unfolded places in life. Ann Charlott combines colors and patterns into a composition formed on canvas or other textile material. The stories in her art starts in the meeting with the viewer.
Bornholm inspire with a raw fantastic nature and beautiful people!
Below, you will find a short description of some of the projects Ann Charlott works with now, and has been involved in. Photos by Justinehoegphotography, John Thackara, Mugen Adler and Ann Charlott Skogøy.
Project 8Bodø, Roots is a 3 year artistic research project, and had its beginning in the north of Norway in January 2019. Ann Charlott made 8 drawings inspired by the surrounding nature and the winter weather in the rural area around Bodø. The project will continue on Bornholm, with textile experiments including embroidery and weaving techniques. The project will end up with new tapestries using the drawings as visual starting point. The artistic researchproject was exhibited at Center for Arts & Crafts Grønbechsgaard on Bornholm in 2022.
Below is drawings from the collection Vinterbilleder, made in Bodø in jan-march 2019 that was part of the exhibition at Grønbechsgaard and sold in my studio afterwards.
Below is some visuals from the progress with the tapestrys and the drawings on Bornholm.
The tapestry Isola, and the tapestry Ventetid, was made in 2014-2016, and exhibited at Gallery Bæst during the culture week 2016. The theme for the group exhibition was Brudstilling. Ann Charlott used various textile materials and small objects to build up the composition on the tapestry. She used quilting- and embroiderytechnics to make form and texture.
Gaia Projektet and Gaia Madhus was a 2 year project focusing on social innovation, local food/vegetarian food/circular economy/no debt/local engagement/local commitment and sustainable business on Bornholm. Ann Charlott and Mugen Adler was founders of the project. From the beginning of the project in 2010 and to the end in 2012, we participated in local foodfestivals, facilitated local workshops about sustainable lifestyle in rural areas and collaborated with students from KADK Bornholm in the making of sustainable service and kitchentools. We also collaborated with young people on the edge of society, mentoring and learning from each other.
øKASSEN was a 2 year project, making foodboxes with local cultivated vegetables and ecological groceries, from local shops, sold locally to private homes via an delivery service. The project was founded by Ann Charlott Skogøy and Mugen Adler. We started making food boxes in springtime 2016, and collaborated with different local microfarmers and local ecological grocery shops. The challenge was to make boxes with as many local groceries and veggies as possible, all year round, and have as little packing around each veggie and grocery, and still follow the danish and european food rules. We tried to involve as many local sustainable micro farmers and local grocery shops as possible, and succesfully delivered around 50 boxes pr week in 72 weeks. We closed down the project in springtime 2018.
Social innovation and social engagement: As part of exploring the world of social innovation/theater/puppet theater and social circus, Ann Charlott participated and engaged in festivals and training courses in Leuven (Belgium), Berlin (Germany) and Edingburg (Scotland)in 2014/2015 and 2016, to learn from and train with circusworkers/socialworkers and students from various parts of Europe. Working together with, and learning from youngsters and adults coming from different rural areas, has given her tools to a more holistic approach toward design and art.
Ann Charlott was co creator of a puppettheater workshop in collaboration with pupperter Ida Marie Tjalve and Helsingør Tekniske Museum during their cultureweek in november 2018. The participants made small shadow theater scenarios out of cardboard boxes/paper figures/flashlights and parchment paper. It was a beautiful evening, with both youngsters and adults.
Decorationproject Ann Charlott was asked by the small Naturekindergarden Lidenstina in north Bornholm to decorate their wooden kitchen walls in their new kitchen. Ann Charlott used watercolors and bee wax when decorating. The project was made in december 2013, when the kitchen was just build.
©Ann Charlott Skogøy